Show newer @Curator @evel when did I mention my art?

@Curator @evel What was that saying? Good artists copy, great artists steal, pathetic talentless hacks accuse others of cultural appropriation?

gr0k boosted

My flight at gate 404 is delayed because... the plane isn't there.

I am not making this up.

@scottjenson but your using a Blink based browser is still another nail in the coffin for Firefox and other alternatives. You're skewing the metrics of every site you visit, and making their supporting alternatives less of a priority.

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gr0k boosted

I mean, yeah, I dislike some ways #BBC reports about matters but I am still happy they decided to participate in the #Fediverse.

Heck even if #CNN joins I will be happy, and I loathe their reporting.

You want decentralised #SocialMedia to gain popularity and diversity, or do you just want to keep it "pure" and populated by people who agree with you?

Doesn't sound very inclusive...

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There is no honor in making others struggle solely because you did. Persevering through difficulty is worth celebrating, but is often worth even more if you can lessen the burden for those who come after you, especially those less fortunate, less privileged. That way lies glory.

gr0k boosted

Curious about the demographic of fedi: Which of these regions are you on?
[Original question was "What continent are you on?" but that has some issues]

(Ordered alphabetically in case you're wondering)

Please boost if appropriate, I want to reach as many users as possible.

#fedi #fediverse

Oceania is defined as in - it is not a continent, but instead a geographic region consisting primarily of Australia and New Zealand. I had to collapse those into one to avoid needing more than 8 options.

@amy incredibly evocative! Really love this pic!!!!

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gr0k boosted

“What’s money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.” — Bob Dylan

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The Dutch government is now running their own Mastodon server

In translation, it talks about "value-driven alternatives to social media"

The message I'd like to see governments adopt is a little different: "digital communications is a critical part of civil communication and the government should not be running on corporate platforms"

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Show older

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!