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gr0k boosted

@Nifflas YES!!! Also, congrats on making the front page of Hacker News!

gr0k boosted

When an app asks for permissions, the OS should not only let you answer yes or no. Every category should have a "yes, but feed the app fake data" option.

Want my contacts for no reason? Have these generated fake ones! Wanna listen to my microphone? Here's random ambiance sounds! Location? I'm on a tiny 5x5m island!

Hell yeah! Put it all in your databases mfers!

Actively punishing services wins over boycotts any day. Didn't want that junk in the database? Don't ask for it!

@feinzer @atomicpoet @Suoko I can see them doing this for sure, but hopefully by the time this happens I've managed to convert most of my friends and family to a less moderated, more open ActivityPub server that doesn't pump them full of ads, sell their data, or dictate the rules of their conversations.

@atomicpoet @Suoko I think Threads federating properly with the rest of the ActivityPub network is a great thing! We can selectively follow the normies, and converting people FROM Threads to Mastodon etc will be much easier if they don't lose their audience, and can still interact with their friends. Also, once the federation happens, my normie friends and family from around the world will be able to follow me once again! (I quit Twitter/Facebook/Instagram etc in 2017)

@atomicpoet have you managed to follow a threads account using calckey? I haven't managed to get it to work in Mastodon @HamonWry you have other friends who love you. The people who make you jump through hoops to conform to their ideals when they aren't willing to put in the effort themselves never loved you in the first place. You certainly deserve better than that. @HamonWry yup, this one. Did it hurt? You bet, and still does. Are we better off without them? Absolutely. Good riddance!

gr0k boosted

When using Twitter (or any algorithmic social network), you subconsciously learn to please the algorithm.

You stop expressing yourself and start writing for the machine.

On Mastodon, you are forced to either write for yourself or for other humans.

by @moira

@sean_ae in New Zealand it is short for brother and is usually used when referring to friends

gr0k boosted

I didn't think they'd raise the walls on *my* garden, sobs the woman who registered at the walled-garden website.

Show thread stunning!

gr0k boosted Filter lists are also very handy. For instance, I rarely see politics in my feed thanks to blocking out certain keywords.

@atomicpoet In Firefox at least you can disable them.

@atomicpoet how did you get that number? The unique domains of your followers?

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!