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@dirt your style is so distinctive. I recognise your photos in my feed before even seeing your name @cheeaun I can understand certain complaints about the foundation itself, but we can't have another monopoly. Firefox is the most important browser in the world right now, because it's solid and compliant and still used, and it's not based on Blink. If we lose Firefox we'll wait a long time before there is a competitor worth considering, and we'll at the mercy of another international megacorp, even moreso than we are now, and even more than it was with Microsoft

re: ph ( - ) update am in the same boat. Stay hydrated! Hopefully we're on the good end of it soon.

@j3s just wanna say I found your site earlier today and am still clicking through it. Thank you for everything you share. nice to learn you're a fellow Linux nerd! I'm a bit younger, and didn't grow up in the USA, but am likewise proud of whatever small role I've had in the proliferation of Linux specifically, and open source software generally.

@jonhicks I had somehow missed Troika, looking forward to checking it out!

@jonhicks ow wow, had missed the 2019 episodes!! Looks like I've got some catching up to do already!

@jonhicks are you starting another podcast?! I loved the Rissington Podcast! surely some of the most beautiful sunsets in the world in Kep. A lovely place to spend time. your post made me think of something a wise old friend said to me one day: The purpose of life isn't the clear up the mystery, but to make the mystery clear.

@Tedgarrison3 @atomicpoet I did wonder that! Even if you can't take the people you follow with you, it's a shame that you lose your followers when moving!

@atomicpoet strange but my (private) instance had recently decided to unfollow both yourself and Fediverse news?! I had searched you out, but hadn't remembered the news group. Thanks for all you share, much appreciated

@lizzard @davidbisset no, but a customer should know their intended users, and their software should be well documented. And either way, the customer certainly shouldn't be the one to get in the way of documenting their software, but that is my experience, making users even more likely to do stupid things...

gr0k boosted

@atomicpoet filter list are also indispensable. It's easy to target certain things I'd rather just not be bothered by, and I have a better opinion of the people I follow as a result 🤣

@davidbisset in my experience it's usually the customer telling the developers to not bother with documentation hahaha

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