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@dansup sickening but not remotely surprising :(

gr0k boosted

Wow, Instagram is blocking the #joinpixelfed hashtag

I just discovered this while checking to see how they handle post count description and yeah, this was surprising to say the least.

See for yourself while logged in to IG

@mralex oh damn, hadn't thought of that! Totally agree that'd be a killer app. Please do share if you find one!

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The question isn't determining whether Bluesky, Mastodon, Twitter, etc is the better platform.

The question is why are we obsessed with emulating centralized corporate experiences that do not care about us or our communities?

It's a lack of imagination leading that convo, not innovation.

gr0k boosted

Screw "this meeting could have been an email".

What about "this YouTube video could have been a blog post"? Zen like writing this morning. I'm also a fan of iA writer!

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Does anyone know any #Khmer speakers, any #Cambodians, or anyone living in #Cambodia?

I have found a few people, but we can't be the only people on the Fediverse!

Reblogs much appreciated

@ewen have loved Lumix gear ever since the GF1. You're making me want to get my camera out. Thank you

@liaizon @prologic This is amazing! I used to love twtxt, and always felt like a bit of a traitor moving to Mastodon. I'm pleased they're now compatible

@loke @atomicpoet It is ironic tho, that it is this kind of identifying with/as things that is the root cause of the exact petulant nannyism he is objecting to.

@atomicpoet @gruber There is a lot of petulant nannyism on Mastodon, but it's easy to avoid, so it's kind of a moot point.

@atomicpoet reading this description is the first time I've considered looking into it - this should be more obvious as a selling point

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How can we use each other's differences in our common battles for a livable future? - Audre Lorde

@chema @tokyo_0 @Loukas I'd love that! Tho personally, I'd still run my own instance :)

@Loukas @chema @tokyo_0 it's definitely a net benefit that society at large is finally starting to see the problem with centralised social media (and hopefully other things too) and even better that there are passionate people discussing the best way forward. We're lucky we can connect like this.

@chema @tokyo_0 Scale is easy on a federated, small town style network, even when it comes to moderation. Small instances with groups of people with a similar outlook. Single user only instances for those who want it, larger instances for the conformists.

@tokyo_0 totally agree - small villages, not big towns. Tho I wish there was a compatible protocol so we could follow each other irrespective of one's chosen platform. The ActivityPub hype exists for good reason.

@vicgrinberg I've got a heap of art books in a family members closet in another country, and I miss them dearly 😭 one day I'll figure out a cheap way of getting them sent to me...

@adaspota wow! I've just discovered this journal thanks to your post, and am already entranced. Looking forward to reading your work, and exploring more of the amazing work inside!

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!