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@c_reider The words Elon and Musk are filtered on my account. I didn't even see your post until someone I follow replied and the lack of context made me curious

@GertyBz @atomicpoet I'd call it common parlance. I use and have heard it used in everyday conversation, and in reference to social media. I don't know how common the usage is tho.

I'm unsure if conversation controls will encourage broadcasting, but so long as it's not the default and its existence helps those who are being harassed, I encourage it.

(Tho I do wonder what kind of toots encourage these alleged "reply guys", I don't experience it. Perhaps because I try to avoid politics?) it does indeed look great on the desktop too!

gr0k boosted really nice work! On the phone ATM and it looks great. Looking forward to checking the desktop version too!

@GertyBz @atomicpoet willing to speak, but not willing to listen.

@GertyBz @atomicpoet definitely. I did say I like the idea of lockable threads, it's just people on broadcast I'm less excited about. I wouldn't follow them anyway tho, so also not terribly worried.

Quite enjoying Lure Me by Eguana. A random find whilst looking for albums on

Hello Asia is the standout from my first listen through

@atomicpoet I do like the locked thread idea, but it won't stop anyone intent on harassing somebody else - they can just @mention them in response to a post if they're that determined. Surely outside of locked threads, pre-existing blocks and filters are sufficient? (Or, with all due respect, just posting somewhere else? Activity Pub is a _social_ networking protocol. If people would rather just broadcast, perhaps it's best to look at other mediums?)

Finally got around to adding a header image and profile description to my Mastodon account. I've also finally verified my web site. It's amazing how productive I can be when I'm avoiding work...

gr0k boosted

she seems more like an average-sized mermaid

gr0k boosted hahaha this is so true that several languages are base five. It takes some getting used to, but it works 🤣 I listen to pink noise on a bassy speaker system to help with this. As an added bonus, it blocks out annoying sounds from outside that are more frustrating than anxiety inducing, which means I can sleep past 7.30AM if I've either struggled to sleep at all or only just managed to get there (as in, almost always...)

Digitakt OS 1.50 - An amazing update. Nothing we couldn't already do, but the workflow for chops and time stretching is so so simple now. Very elegant. Grab it here: If you didn't know, now you know, and I kind of wish I didn't. I already had so much work to do, and after messing around all morning, now I have even more!

@omi_geek the same thing happened in America in the 1990s with their cryptography wars. Hopefully some smart people can work together to keep technologies open and distributed.

@omi_geek not entirely true. The web used to be open and decentralised (email, RSS, open and standard protocols like IRC, etc, etc) then existing social media platforms invented walled gardens. Nevertheless, I agree that it isn't desirable to discuss them. They are best relegated to the mists of time and used only as a reminder of how bad things got so we can steer away from it in the future.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!