Show newer You're far too humble! And I'm sure both HCB and Leiter would be pleased that their legacy lives on!

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If you pay for one or more music streaming services, I'm asking you to spend an equal amount this Friday on buying music directly from Bandcamp artists. Your streaming dollars DO NOT GO TO ARTISTS. They go to tech execs. Bandcamp dollars go to musicians.

Please share this widely, too many people STILL don't know that 99.999% of every dollar they spend on Spotify et al goes directly into a tech bastard's pocket.

#Bandcamp #Musicians #SupportMusicians #SupportArt #MusiciansOfMastodon Just want to say I love your work and look forward to every picture you post. Such a distinctive style. The contemplative nature of Saul Leiter mixed with Cartier-Bresson's decisive moment. Modern and yet timeless.

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Finally sorting out Gadgetbridge for my smart watch when I have a heap of work to do is definitely not procrastination... Stopping my data being mined by Xiaomi and automating my step count record in my journal is for sure more important than finishing important work and getting paid, right?

@SignalsAndSorcery Zero! There isn't one that deserves my money.

Not sure if I've recommended this before, but I'm really enjoying Phil France's Circle:

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"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible" - Voltaire

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@gallaimage Guess it depends on which side of the fence you're sat on. Certainly someone else's interpretation of your work is not your responsibility, but isn't your response to a work of art an interpretation?

@gallaimage agree, tho there is always a context for your work, even if it is unspoken. This is sometimes in your control, but not always. The context isn't "in" the work but is both inherent to it - as in, the context from which you created it, as well as outside of it - as in the context it is received physically, and the mental context of your audience. Totally agree tho that wordy explanations of a work usually take away from rather than add to.

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If you assume our findings of 10x reach, Mastodon at 9.5m users has as much reach as almost 100m Twitter users. With this milestone Mastodon currently has 1/3 the reach of Twitter, a remarkable achievement for a purely user supported platform.

"If you are given responsibility without the power to make any changes, then you have just become the scapegoat" (via ) - yep...

@senanthic have the couches and white walls, but not sure about the dignity 🤣 Also, still broke... Tho I do have a decent set of speakers 😂

social justice / politics 

@machinesbleedtoo I have been screamed at and physically assaulted for proposing things that are now recommended in NYTimes front page articles. I'll never engage with a self proclaimed leftist ever again (or anyone who comes across as one) and I'm an old hippie with strongly leftist values. The left are their own worst enemy, and are doing an incredible disservice to the very people they proclaim to be protecting. Thank you for helping correct course.

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@marimo 🤣🤣🤣 you seem to have missed the "as a rule" and "almost without exception" parts of my toot. Don't worry tho, as a rule my friends know where they stand with regards to my opinions as our exchanges are just that, exchanges. Thanks for the presumptions and bad vibes tho 😘

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So, DISCMASTER.TEXTFILES.COM may be shut down at the end of the month, just due to the cost of running and maintaining it. I'm mentioning this just because I'd like to encourage people to use it extensively while next stage planning is looked into, so the maximum value is enjoyed.

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I've had to refer to @bd's music theory page almost every day this week, really really thankful for this knowledge base. 🎼

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