"The person who carefully designs their daily routine goes further than the person who negotiates with themselves every day. Let inertia work for you" - a Tiny Thought from Farnam Street: https://fs.blog/brain-food/october-6-2024/
Loving this post by Seth Godin the other day. Inspired me to sharpen some of my tools, which have been even more delightful to use since https://seths.blog/2024/09/sharp-tools/ #emacs
“Tact is not the quality by which you often please, but by which you seldom offend.” — Alice Wellington Rollins via FS: https://fs.blog/brain-food/september-22-2024/?
“Commitment starts when motivation stops.” via fs https://fs.blog/brain-food/august-25-2024/
“Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats.” — Howard Aiken via fs: https://fs.blog/brain-food/july-21-2024/
We desperately need to start a Slow Software movement. High quality, intentionally designed, low defect software done at a quarter of the pace for the same price. Because we've been destroying the mental health of developers for the last quarter century, and what do we have to show for it but a giant mess?
Soft as a Stone: Marble Pillows by Håkon Anton Fagerås https://theinspirationgrid.com/soft-as-a-stone-marble-pillows-by-hakon-anton-fageras/ #art #AYearForArt #MastoArt #sculpture #ArtInspiration #ArtInspo #inspiration #InspirationGrid
"He is careful of what he reads, for that is what he will write. He is careful of what he learns, for that is what he will know." — Annie Dillard
Via Farnam Street: https://fs.blog/brain-food/may-5-2024/
After four and a half months and almost 34,000 stitches, I’ve finished my cross-stitch 1-bit version of Hokusai’s Great Wave. It’s big, 25”x 17” (pen in the first photo for scale). Thanks to @hypertalking for letting me use his wonderful original 1-bit art. #NerdStitch
"There’s no such thing as work life balance. There’s simply life. And you spend part of your life at work." - Seth Godin
“Entropy applies to every part of our lives. ... Understanding entropy leads to a radical change in the way we see the world. Ignorance of it is responsible for many of our biggest mistakes and failures. We cannot expect anything to stay the way we leave it. To maintain our health, relationships, careers, skills, knowledge, societies, and possessions requires never-ending effort and vigilance. Disorder is ... our default. Order is always artificial and temporary.”
Linux Nerd. Web developer. Photographer. Electronic Musician. Occasional Writer. General Creative.