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“What’s money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.” — Bob Dylan

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The Dutch government is now running their own Mastodon server

In translation, it talks about "value-driven alternatives to social media"

The message I'd like to see governments adopt is a little different: "digital communications is a critical part of civil communication and the government should not be running on corporate platforms"

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When an app asks for permissions, the OS should not only let you answer yes or no. Every category should have a "yes, but feed the app fake data" option.

Want my contacts for no reason? Have these generated fake ones! Wanna listen to my microphone? Here's random ambiance sounds! Location? I'm on a tiny 5x5m island!

Hell yeah! Put it all in your databases mfers!

Actively punishing services wins over boycotts any day. Didn't want that junk in the database? Don't ask for it!

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When using Twitter (or any algorithmic social network), you subconsciously learn to please the algorithm.

You stop expressing yourself and start writing for the machine.

On Mastodon, you are forced to either write for yourself or for other humans.

by @moira

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I didn't think they'd raise the walls on *my* garden, sobs the woman who registered at the walled-garden website.

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Here, have a less scuffed and jpeg fragmented version of the meme.

@j3s just wanna say I found your site earlier today and am still clicking through it. Thank you for everything you share.

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Wow, Instagram is blocking the #joinpixelfed hashtag

I just discovered this while checking to see how they handle post count description and yeah, this was surprising to say the least.

See for yourself while logged in to IG

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The question isn't determining whether Bluesky, Mastodon, Twitter, etc is the better platform.

The question is why are we obsessed with emulating centralized corporate experiences that do not care about us or our communities?

It's a lack of imagination leading that convo, not innovation.

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Screw "this meeting could have been an email".

What about "this YouTube video could have been a blog post"?

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Does anyone know any #Khmer speakers, any #Cambodians, or anyone living in #Cambodia?

I have found a few people, but we can't be the only people on the Fediverse!

Reblogs much appreciated

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How can we use each other's differences in our common battles for a livable future? - Audre Lorde

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!