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Sorry, the sabotage of Twitter is not a “disaster for democracy”—it’s the logical and inevitable endpoint of surveillance capitalist control of our communications infrastructure.

Those who control a message’s delivery system control the message.

Twitter was always owned by surveillance capitalists—it NEVER served democracy.

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The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.; - Amelia Earhart

Another reason to keep using Firefox, or to start using it if you don't already or have moved away:

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The purpose of Substack is

1. to make investors money and

2. keep journalists siloed, fragmented and controllable

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Writing Humor 

@bookstodon @lgbtqbookstodon

Credit ― Steve Hely, How I Became a Famous Novelist

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Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. - Anaïs Nin

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: Writing is the process by which you realize that you do not understand what you are talking about. Importantly, writing is also the process by which you figure it out. - Farnam Street -

Really enjoying this 2012 album: colours of melancholia by Colours Of Melancholia. Grab it here coloursofmelancholia.bandcamp.

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This was a great read.

I've often scratched my head at Signal's decision-making. Stickers? Stories? I'd rarely use them, if ever. But Signal describes how they are specifically making features for users outside U.S. culture and infrastructural contexts.

#signal #design #SoftwareDevelopment #OpenSource

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Quite enjoying Lure Me by Eguana. A random find whilst looking for albums on

Hello Asia is the standout from my first listen through

Finally got around to adding a header image and profile description to my Mastodon account. I've also finally verified my web site. It's amazing how productive I can be when I'm avoiding work...

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she seems more like an average-sized mermaid

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!