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My prose poem "A Dream of Mirabella" is featured in the Surrealist Journal Peculiar Mormyrid Issue #4. The theme of this Issue is Surrealism and the Sea.
My piece appears under the section Nudibranchia.

Artwork by Alex Januário

Seth Godin on the money again:

Of course, as we race to fill in every moment with swiping, surfing and clicking, it’s easy to forget that we’re allowed to leave some blank spaces. In fact, not just allowed, but if we want to live well, required.

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your friend surpasses you. you're stoked for them, and they bring you up. then you surpass them. they are stoked for you, and you bring them up.

the cycle of support can literally never end. stairway straight to the moon.

only fools want their own elevator.

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About 5 years ago my sister lost a book of poetry (William Blake), so recently she decided to replace it and ordered a second hand copy on eBay. It arrived today.

It's got her handwritten notes in it. It's hers.

@fox @treelzebub Grrrr, I do hate the web chats... I wish there was a good way to block them.

With regards to notification requests, they got to me also so I have turned them off. If you've not already and are able to ignore them, you can disable them completely

@treelzebub @fox I haven't yet needed pi-hole, tho have heard great things from friends who use it. Perhaps my browsing habits have saved me? (avoiding FAANG, preference for independent providers, private browsing, etc)

@fox Nooooo! :( I wonder if it's got something to do with the sites we visit, or my using DDG over Google?

@fox I rarely have to deal with anything but GDPR notices, and haven't for about a decade: Firefox + uBlock Origin + Privacy Badger.

@shoq @MetalSamurai @atomicpoet @gruber that's why we're here, and others are elsewhere. I'd like to say it's just 'cause we've been 'round the block, but many others have by now. Who was it who said give me convenience or give me death? We've taken a different approach. But people will be people.

@MetalSamurai @atomicpoet @gruber for sure. I am no fan of bluesky. Doesn't change the fact it's easier to onboard when you reduce the decisions a user has to make.

@atomicpoet totally agree, tho that is also where I can see where @gruber is coming from - the "simple" thing. Even some of my more technical friends struggled to understand how to get started with the Fediverse, but they could figure out how sign up to Mastodon. Hopefully collectively we can come up with some appropriate verbiage - or perhaps it's just a matter of time. If you dropped the word 'tweet' into a casual conversation even 10 years ago people would look at you funny.

For the record I've already got an account for my side project up and running on - I may share it when there's something there worth sharing.

@atomicpoet @fediversenews There's definitely something to what @gruber is saying. With manual account approval on and it being pushed as the default, I'd love to see the abandonment rate... Perhaps it's different when signing up through a phone? But getting someone all excited about trying a new social network is hard enough. Now they have to retain that excitement for an unknown amount of time, and then care enough to engage at some later date... Not much fun...

@atomicpoet @fediversenews I tried to sign up to for a side project today - still waiting on the manual account review. I went to because this is just a side project and I wanted to peek the new features, but I should have preferenced one of the smaller servers on principle.

Manual approval of accounts over on these days. I know they probably get inundated with spam, but if you're on a roll trying to get a project up and running, seems it might be quicker to set up your own instance... But this was only supposed to be a side project hahaha

@Polychrome exactly... Falling well short of any promises so far. I'm also not sure why people are so quick to forgive and forget... If the definition is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result, what was the word again?

@atomicpoet or just a well established interconnected social network based on a truly open protocol, vs an unproven, siloed service that hasn't yet delivered on its promises and is run by a known bad entity.

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Sorry, it’s actually It’s working now. blasphemy! Why I oughta get all coffee snob on you 🤣

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!