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Congratulations on living past 30! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to discover new music that sounds like old music and doesn’t remind you of your unresolved trauma and shame!

@atomicpoet yes!!!! Thank you. This message is worth repeating from time to time. I'm not really sure how people have got it twisted.

gr0k boosted

Sorry, the sabotage of Twitter is not a “disaster for democracy”—it’s the logical and inevitable endpoint of surveillance capitalist control of our communications infrastructure.

Those who control a message’s delivery system control the message.

Twitter was always owned by surveillance capitalists—it NEVER served democracy.

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gr0k boosted

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.; - Amelia Earhart

@jameschip @liaizon I love it on my phone! DavX for contacts and calendars, I automatically suck photos recordings etc up using the official client, and use nextcloud notes for text. My biggest issue is bookmarks, but Floccus is an option.

Another reason to keep using Firefox, or to start using it if you don't already or have moved away:

gr0k boosted

The purpose of Substack is

1. to make investors money and

2. keep journalists siloed, fragmented and controllable

@abogical @atomicpoet for sure it could be added to your profile, but building it into the protocol would considerably increase the convenience and therefore uptake of the feature. It could be seamless. Someone posts something you enjoy? Boost and/or like, bookmark for later, or just click another icon to tip. Infinitely better than the paywall model. I'd like to show my support directly, so creators know exactly what it was that moved me.

@abogical @atomicpoet Mastodon doesn't even adhere to most of ActivityPub standards, it wouldn't be hard to add a property that lets clients know your wallet ID and another property to describe the ID... The ability to do something with this could be built into official clients, or if a standard or consensus appeared then by third party clients. How is that anything like a centralised service like Patreon?

@abogical @atomicpoet Crypto is not inherently evil, nor are all coins are bad... Blockchain and ActivityPub are both distributed technologies with similar goals, and fairly tech savvy communities. There are people doing wonderful things in the ActivityPub space who deserve to be rewarded, and crypto is a frictionless way to do this (providing transfer fees are minimal, which is why I put forward the option of a new coin, tho maybe ETH/ERC-20 - see Reddit Moons - or even BTC could work)

@atomicpoet why hasn't this been done? It seems that ActivityPub is a perfect candidate for bolting on some tip jar type functionality, and based on my naive understanding, money might be made there by either providing the service (as a third party) or owning the coin (if baked into the protocol).

@wjmaggos or be able to pay the users directly, with the option to share to some with the host

@dirt loving your pictures. Inspiring stuff, you have a great eye

@atomicpoet if only more people followed this general advice of only being opinionated on issues they actually know about, and are affected by. Thank you for being a good example

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Writing Humor 

@bookstodon @lgbtqbookstodon

Credit ― Steve Hely, How I Became a Famous Novelist

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!