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@TrexPushups @lolennui the best way to avoid propaganda is to seek out primary sources and ignore clickbait shock jocks. I know everyone learns differently, but reading encourages reader participation, you're actively synthesizing what you consume, whereas being spoonfed an opinion via video is passive consumption. I know no-one is immune, but passive consumers are far more likely to have a partial understanding of anything.

@lolennui also if said news article came from a friend, it is almost without exception one of my less intelligent friends. As a rule people who consume primarily via video seem less intelligent to me. They rarely refer to primary sources, and are almost always regurgitating opinions instead of fact.

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@etherdiver I've done this for my next set - all produced inside my Digitakt. It took me ages to get there, and it is a huge compromise (I can't use modulation on my Blackhole or LFOs on my Juno, nor adjust the drums in realtime (at least not in the same way) but I have simplified the process, and only need to carry around one box. I can also focus... I need that.

@mmasnick wired lost the plot a long time ago. These days I only read their articles if I want to be disappointed or worse.

@lowqualityfacts yep. Wouldn't hurt if most of these people looked in the mirror occasionally too. Stopping at calling them hypocrites would be polite and very restrained.

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"Hey, can you switch instances? Your admin favorited a joke that I didn't appreciate once. Might need to block you otherwise. Oh, and that crowdfunding platform you use? Back in 2006 they let an organization I don't personally align with use their platform. You should abandon that. Also, -"

Shhhh. Let people enjoy things. I am all for being socially conscious but we can't boycott everything. We are so tired. Please go outside.

@Bearhouse also in markets, the most communal of places. Certainly we've built more relationships with market sellers than we have the constantly rotated (and exhausted and overworked) shift workers on the checkouts at supermarkets.

gr0k boosted "At 12, I did not have the context or the language to understand what I was becoming or, more specifically, what was becoming of me." "I am worth getting my needs met, with or without a disability. I am worth taking up space. And, I have learned, if I do not take up space in the places I fear I am not enough, there will be no space for me at all." Loving these albums from Rafael Anton Irisarri. Not sure who to credit for linking me, but they are name your price, and definitely worth a listen.

Music diary 

@elsemusic just want to say your music diary posts are awesome. More musicians should talk process, and I should too. It's not just a great way to document your progress, and keep track of where you're heading and why, but when made available publicly it's inspiration for others. Thank you.

@voxel ugh. I have been there more than once. Sorry it was you today 🤣

Twxttxr BS 

@mxtthxw it's definitely a low rent virtue signalling way of showing support that probably has the opposite of intended effect. When people's struggles are reduced to quotables that fit in a tweet or toot people mistakenly believe they understand the issue which makes the message easier to ignore in the future. What's worse is if it becomes a hashtag cliche the entire cause is likely to end up pesky and annoying, and risks being discounted entirely.

@brunomiguel I write pretty much everything in vim. I'm not religious about variants and try to keep my config minimal, but I do love Goyo

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