@ewen for me it started in Australia, where I used to live. It continues with left leaning westerners (most of the people in my life) throughout the world, especially in arts and NGO circles.
You're correct, the phrase was used by bush. It is also used in the bible, but was most recently used by BLM protesters.
I expect it would be hard to claim to be a lefty without being pro BLM.
The current leader of the opposition in Australia, conservative, refers to people like myself as a "dirty lefty". He'll probably will the next election, largely due to a lack of unity on the left. But politics is different to people. Most people vote for parties that don't actually represent their views anyway.
We're a strange species.
@ewen you sound like the kind of lefty I grew up around and respect. The kind of lefty I consider myself.
New school lefties are not this way. Just take a look at Carolyn's reply below. It's the polite version.
These are the people I run into every day. Who epitomise NYTimes best selling author Ibram X. Kendi's war cry: the only way to remedy past discrimination is future discrimination
Do you think getting older just makes things a little clearer?
As a younger fella I likely followed the crowd. I'm less easily influenced today.
@ewen yeah, it definitely helps. I'm no spring chicken, and having a bit of context and perspective certainly helps.
That said, some of the people I've been viciously attacked by for asking questions are even older than me. It could also just be a personality type.
@ewen thank you for this chat tho! There's definitely still good people out there. Thank you for being one of them
Cant say that was ever my experience of left-wing politics. Not in Australia.
I remember an incredible range of people turning out to protest on the streets against the war in Iraq, to demand an apology to the stolen generation (Indigenous Australia), and many many other causes.
Was it GW Bush who said "YOU'RE EITHER WITH US OR AGAINST US" after 911?