How's "re-entry" going friends, those of you who had the gift of some down time somewhere between the solstice and the New Year? A little poll below or share your thoughts in replies if none of the choices quite fits.

I'd say I'm option 3. On my first day back at work, yesterday, I got overwhelmed by the goals and deliverables I'd set for January, my back seized up and now I'm wrapped up in blankets, watching the rain, drinking tea, doing gentle yoga, and getting some work done in between. If you too are overwhelmed, and if your mind/body is balking at the push back to "productivity" I see you, and hope you can ease back in somehow, some way.


@bethsawin thank you for your post. This was me yesterday. Unfortunately I swapped the tea for beer, but I'm glad I swapped the yoga for music. I totally lost myself in a good way, after feeling I'd already lost the entire year. Here's to a better day today! Thank you for your encouragement.

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