i think psychopathy + empathy have to be equal when im writing or picturing

i have to be willing to sacrifice the thing in order to tell the truth + i have to also love the thing (to tell the truth about it)

i have to be neither of these (basically set to receive) i am most essentially a delivery piece when making art

@dirt if you "have to be willing to sacrifice the thing in order to tell the truth" do you take or make a picture?

(Also, I agree with everything you wrote here)

@gr0k [typed and edited 3 times—finally deleted]

i am so high right now =)

a great evening to you though gr0k (and peace to everyone around)


@dirt Apologies, I got caught up with work and missed your original message!

No need to apologise, or censor yourself with me tho. Love your work, and enjoy reading your thoughts.

Hope I wasn't too provocative haha. One day perhaps we'll share a smoke a chat!

Have a good one ❤️

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