Don't like strangers busting into your mentions to give unsolicited opinions?

This could be solved if the Fediverse had better comment controls.

You should be able to make a read-only post if you want.

And you should be able to make a public post that's only writeable to followers.

You should also be able to lock a thread if it becomes a vector for abuse.


@atomicpoet I do like the locked thread idea, but it won't stop anyone intent on harassing somebody else - they can just @mention them in response to a post if they're that determined. Surely outside of locked threads, pre-existing blocks and filters are sufficient? (Or, with all due respect, just posting somewhere else? Activity Pub is a _social_ networking protocol. If people would rather just broadcast, perhaps it's best to look at other mediums?)

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@gr0k @atomicpoet
A strategy that solves only part of a problem can still be helpful desirable and necessary.

@GertyBz @atomicpoet definitely. I did say I like the idea of lockable threads, it's just people on broadcast I'm less excited about. I wouldn't follow them anyway tho, so also not terribly worried.

@gr0k @atomicpoet
Would you please clarify what you mean "on broadcast"? I'm struggling to parse that.

@GertyBz @atomicpoet willing to speak, but not willing to listen.

@gr0k @atomicpoet
Thank you very much. :)
Is that term with this definition in common frequent usage? This is the first I've seen it.

I really like this term. But I think the comments controls matter is unrelated to the matter of people on broadcast failing to reciprocate. Or maybe the comments controls matter is as a result of them, but they are unrelated to the solution.

@GertyBz @atomicpoet I'd call it common parlance. I use and have heard it used in everyday conversation, and in reference to social media. I don't know how common the usage is tho.

I'm unsure if conversation controls will encourage broadcasting, but so long as it's not the default and its existence helps those who are being harassed, I encourage it.

(Tho I do wonder what kind of toots encourage these alleged "reply guys", I don't experience it. Perhaps because I try to avoid politics?)

@gr0k @atomicpoet
Thanks for the answers, my informedness groweth! :)
If your gender isn't perceived as ♀, that could (= does) have a 99.999% fx on your reply guy privilege.
IME reply guy exposure's relationship to topic = 0 (xcept if reply guys is topic then contact ++ by ±5000-ish%). Sample size = 1, ymmv.
Your reply guys freedom makes you extra fortunate, please appreciate it? My online life has been plagued with them, I've had to change nicks/pals/hangouts multiple times. I haz a NV.

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