Music diary 

Not a lot of time in the studio today, but I continued tidying up the next sideSister song. I have two biggish tasks to complete: some more orchestration and re-recording the bass line. The latter is being done on spec because I'm not sure I need to change what's already there (but I want to find out). It's sounding good.


Music diary 

@elsemusic just want to say your music diary posts are awesome. More musicians should talk process, and I should too. It's not just a great way to document your progress, and keep track of where you're heading and why, but when made available publicly it's inspiration for others. Thank you.

Music diary 

@gr0k It's good to have a record of progress. I also have a studio notebook where I jot down things that need to be addressed next. Between the two I have a pretty good record of progress.

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