Been seeing the occasional post here stating that Mastodon will never have the reach of Bird Site.

Some say due to the more local, community nature.

I'm not sure this will hold, seems TBD to me. Negative, malicious, virality will have a harder time with growth here, other things things might not.

If something is really on the peoples' minds, wouldn't it jump from instance to instance to create a more general awareness?

The ideas isn't to suppress news, only bad actors that manipulate it.


@BobWilliams although posts can gain popularity between instances, that the algorithm cannot be globally manipulated precludes ActivityPub from the vapid virility of centralised social media, and this is for the better. This will change once some large company (say Apple) creates a service that integrates into ActivityPub but reduces the choices currently required of new user. It will quickly be adopted and our feeds will be flooded once more with division and hatred :(

@gr0k Intersting, I really hope nobody gets their hooks into it. We need to keep it ours.

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